We particularly welcome donations of the following types:
- Antiques
- Baskets
- Bedding
- Blankets
- Books
- Clothing
- Cookware
- Linens
- DVDs
- Games
- Glassware
- Home furnishings
- Jewelry
- Knickknacks
- Pictures
- Plates
- Seasonal decorations
- Shoes
- Small appliances
- Sports equipment
Items we don’t accept:
- Mattresses/bed pillows
- Large or non-working appliances
- TVs/computers/printers/keyboards/DVD players
- Opened health or beauty products
- Men’s/women’s underwear/used socks
- Children’s clothing, toys/strollers
- Bikes/helmets/scooters/skateboards/skis
- Guns/ammunition
- Soiled or damaged clothing
- Toilet seats/Squatty Potty
- CD/DVD/VHS w/o original cases
- Dog choker chains, spiked/shock collars
- Soiled/damaged dog clothing/collars/leashes
- Soiled/torn dog/cat beds
- Anything made with real animal fur